Opposable Games: Introducing...Galaxy Balls!
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Introducing...Galaxy Balls!

Posted 2014-06-18 15:59:17 by

Galaxy Balls is our brand new title coming to a mobile platform near you at some time in the not-too-distant future!

galaxy balls announcement poster

Phlyk & Hurl, two buddies from planet Globro, are taken on a wild and amusing adventure after they crash land far away from home on the mysterious world of Constructron and attempt to get home safely.

As luck will have it, Constructron is inhabited by little dudes that love fixing things like spaceships or little round guys’ problems. With the help of Constructron's natives and the pinball pieces they've made for you, players must collect as much dark matter and ship parts from each level to progress to new worlds, meet new Globronies, and eventually get home.

Galaxy Balls is a humorous fast-paced puzzle game employing the much-adored mechanics of pinball with a twist that places creativity into the hands of the player.

At the start of each level, players are given a range of flippers, bumpers and pins to play with, along with a few surprises we'll be revealing later. These items, which you'll unlock more of as you go on, can be dragged and dropped anywhere in the playing space before you start the level.

Players will then take conrol of the items and try to keep their balls in the air for as long as possible. It's a race against gravity as you attempt to complete as many challenges as possible before your balls hit the floor!

Each stage presents three challenges ranging from the “Pachinko, Fire and Hope” collection challenges, to chain reaction puzzles inspired by Rube Goldberg machines.

We'll be releasing further information on Galaxy Balls over the next few days, with dev diaries, concept art and sketches outlining the design process. Don't touch that dial!

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map Opposable Games, Bristol Games Hub, 77 Stokes Croft, Bristol, BS1 3RD