Posted 2014-09-19 15:36:08 by Lukas Roper
I went to Untied a bit unsure what to expect! Untied was created because of the lack of an official Unite conference in the UK and Byron and Mitch did a fantastic job of organising a conference to fill in that void. Held in the very swanky UKIE offices in London, it was a bit of a trek for Dave and I, but definitely more than worth going.
I was given the exciting opportunity to speak at the conference as well! I had submitted a brief to Byron thinking that it would be overlooked, as my time in the industry has been vastly shorter than most, but to my surprise I was offered a ten minute slot! I felt very nervous when I stepped on stage but my talk largely went to plan and I really enjoyed it. It was a really great opportunity to introduce myself outside of the Bristol games development scene so thanks again to Byron for giving me the opportunity.
The other talks were also excellent. Helana Santos showed LA Cops and her programming tricks including how they made destructible objects. Andy Touch showed Unity 5 off practically leaving my mouth salivating. Louise James explained the process of submitting a package to the asset store and much more. And I also met lots of familiar and new faces so it was a great experience overall!
I would offer to share my presentation online except for the fact my slides are just images but if you want to hear anything about the presentation, tweet me!
Lukas Roper
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